Tuesday, April 22, 2008




Friday, February 1, 2008

Movie Review #1: Cloverfield

Directed By: Matt Reeves
Written By: Drew Goddard
Produced By: JJ Abrams

Back in June 2007, I went to a local movie theater to see the film Transformers. The theater was sold out and everybody was so excited to see a live action version of Transformers. About 7:45, the movie starts and we fly by the trailers left and right. Then, the Bad Robot Logo appeared on the large movie screen in front of me. The trailer showed a gone away party for a guy named Rob. Everybody is dancing to music and all of a sudden a loud grunt or roar is heard, the room shakes and the lights flicker on and off. The lights come back on and everybody huddles around a tv with a reporter saying an earth quake with a loud noise being heard all around the city. Rob and the party goers go to the roof to see whats going on, what they get...more mayhem. In the middle of the city there is an explosion and another loud roar. They all start running down the stairs and into the streets. Everybody is running and wondering whats going on. Suddenly, the head of the Statue of Liberty comes flying at them like it was thrown. Then...the trailer ends with "From Producer JJ Abrams" "Coming Soon 1-18-08". Everybody in the theater was like what the hell was that? Then without any thinking time, Transformers starts.

After that, the buzz hit the internet. Blogs, websites, and video sites start to talk about the mystery trailer. People started to guess what the movie was about...Godzilla, Voltron, Ghostbusters 3, Power Rangers, Pokemon...it was all said.

A viral marketing campaign also hit the web, spawning websites about frozen drinks, Foreign drilling companies, and a protesting site, made the buzz even larger. Everybody was trying to guess what it was.

That was my pre cloverfield experience...now to the main event...

The movie staring Lizzy Caplan, Jessica Lucas, TJ Miller, and Michael Stahl-David, revolves around a monster attack in New York as told from the point of view of a small group of people.

This was one of the most creative films I ever seen. It took the Cinematography of the Blair Witch Project, and they took your everyday monster film and made something more intense then a front row tickets to a Nascar event. This movie took me on a ride and never let me down one bit. From the acting skills, to the cinematography...i felt like I was right there with the group when the monster was attacking the city. It gave you every element needed in a film. I can't stop talking about it.

I give Cloverield 8 out 10

Oh yeah and they are prepping Cloverfield 2!!! Just watch the ending!

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Loose Change and The 911 Conspiracy [my views and opinions]

Hello again, Glenn here for another written rambling. Its been a few days since I posted something, because it has been a slow news week. Though I did do a video for the reports on "Tom Curse building an Attack Bunker for an Alien Attack"...but I came across something more worth writing and rambling about.

*Note*Before I get started, I will be talking about 911 and sensitive topics. If you don’t like reading about the events on 911 please click out now.

The other day I can across a documentary called “Loose Change”. Written and Directed By Dylan Avery. The documentary claims that the events on September 11th, 2001 were planned and put into works by The United States Government. Throughout the film, footage from news outlets, interviews conducted by independent researchers and debunkers, and information from various rescores. It was produced by Korey Rowe and Jason Bermas. Many movements including Scholars for 9/11 Truth support the film, and used this as a backbone for their mission. Two Editions were released . The first film was made on a laptop for $2000. The second edition was then released but then recut and re-released of August 2006.

Points brought up in the film:
- WTC were brought down by bombs
- Flight 93 never crashed or shot down…it landed at Cleveland Hopkins Airport.
-Bin Laden videos were staged and not legit.
-The Hijackers are still alive
-A Missile hit The Pentagon

Since 2005, Avery, Rowe, Bermas and supporters go to the memorial site on September 11th to promote the film, and promote their views and opinions.

Another documentary I can across titled “ Zeitgeist” goes in detail about a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT, where The United States with Mexico and Canada, will join and create The North American Union. And how they will join with the rest of the world to basically control the entire world.



I watched both films, read a lot of pages of words, visited tons of websites. But nothing can change my mind on my opinion.

It makes me very sick to my stomach that there is shit like this out in the world today. Sure its great that their creative and they are making film, but its disrespecting to our country, the people of this county, and to the fallen on that fateful day. The claims that the Flight 93 passengers are still alive and working for the government are completely screwed up and just…I really can’t find the words how despicable it is. It’s completely wrong to try to downplay the heroism of these victims, by saying that “box cutters are a joke” or the “let’s roll” remark was just a govt. psy-op to invoke patriotism. Another thing that truly pisses me off and that I actually laugh at, is the fact that the towers were blown up by bombs that were placed on each floor of the building. They came to this conclusion on the way the towers fell. Didn’t know they were so big on the construction business .

While researching I listened to an excerpt of a interview with one of the Loose Change filmmakers, I believe it was Dylan, could be wrong, on the Opie and Anthony show. Opie and Anthony stated their opinions on how they think this film and the theories are bullshit, and the filmmaker’s rebuttal? “Are you affiliated with the Republican party?” Just because they don’t support your views and your opinion of the truth, doesn’t mean they are Republican. That is just completely foolish.

The government might do harm and may be wrong sometimes, but our own US government wouldn’t set up a plot and execute it like 9/11. Tons of people died, because radical Arabs who hate our way of life wanted to do harm to us. Osama Bin Laden and his terror network were responsible. Not Bush, not the US government.

In closing, I hope you read this and hear me out. Watch the films I provided for you on this entry and see for yourself. See how crazy and messed up these views are.

The websites below are dedicated to the counter reaction of Loose Change and the movements that say 911 was an Inside job. They provide info, videos, blogs, and more.

Screw Loose Change: http://www.lolloosechange.co.nr/
Screw Loose Change Blog: http://screwloosechange.blogspot.com
911 Myths: http://911myths.com
Debunking 911: http://debunking911.com

Thanks for reading, Keep the Faith!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

The Controversy of Rob Zombie's Halloween

There is a lot of discussion on Rob Zombie's Halloween going on all around the internet, I thought I would jump into the mix and do my own little ramblings.

Please any thoughts on your part, please weigh in.


Saturday, September 22, 2007

Quentin Tarantino and a sex film?

Thanks to Cinema Confidential(www.cinecon.com)

Quentin Tarantino recently mused that he'd be interested in doing a 3D porn film. But while speaking with the Telegraph (http://www.telegraph.co.uk), he threw around some ideas he has for a 1970s softcore porn flick he'd like to do:

"I came up with the idea of like a cool sex movie that would take place in Stockholm, with a couple of Americans visiting a couple of Swedish friends," he enthuses. "Kind of like the girls in 'Death Proof,' just going out drinking, having a good time, hooking up."

"If I actually do an erotic movie, I'm going to have to reveal what I find sexy, what turns me on. And when it comes to sex in movies, it's got to be kind of kinky, because that's what's cinematic, that's what's fun. Everything else is just - shagging. But my problem wouldn't be revealing myself. My problem would be doing a press tour talking about me revealing myself. And how creepy that would be, how creepy the questions would be.'

Thank you, Quentin. We'd be creeped out too.


I could of rambled about a lot of people...Britney Spears, Chris Crocker, The War. But since I'm a movie buff and a huge fan of Quentin Tarantino, I decided to do my first written rambling on this story. Cinema Confidential is a site I visit often. I love to read on whats going on in Hollywood and the indie film world. So after getting in, I turned on my lab top and worked my way over to Cinecon and saw this story about my man Quentin, and I have to say...well I want to say a few things.

To start off with, the whole sex film, I wouldn't do it. Not at all, after the bomb of the Grindhouse films(though I loved both films, and support them all the way through) the sex film will do no better. Not even in the porno world. Leave the porn to the porn directors and the porn stars. Just keep on doing those epic films you do with gretty story lines, amazing characters, and lots and lots of smart dialogue. Please!!! You are one of the main reasons why I want to be a filmmaker and inspiration behind my first film.

Secondly, as a fan, I don't wanna know what turns you on sexually, and thats all I have to say about that.

All and all I don't think it is a good idea, and he should be working on Inglorious Bastards, or something else. I'm really looking forward on seeing Inglorious bastards when ever it is made.

Well goodnight fokes. G-Rod out.